198 West 21th Street, Suite 721
New York, NY 10010
+88 (0) 101 0000 000
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The idea was born out of personal needs.
Lily, Yuri’s daughter (BPAUS CEO & Founder), started showing signs of autism at 16 months of age.

Eight long months lasted from the time Yuri noticed the first signs until the first appointment with the neurologist, and another five months elapsed until Lily’s formal treatment began. In total, it took over a year from the first sign of autism to the start of treatment in the medical system.

This long and frustrating process experience has given rise to the idea of developing a technical platform to allow parents to take measures as soon as they feel something is off.A platform that improves and shortens the assessment and treatment times.

Who we are

The BPAUS team consists of professionals with experience, vision, and a dream.

We aim to improve the quality of life for families of children with intellectual disabilities.
We do this using innovative technology that helps monitor and perform treatment with proven, controlled, and efficient methods.

The BPAUS team works with accepted and leading approaches to child development.
The process is supported by leading experts in the area of autism treatment and development delays.


Our vision is to help parents of autistic children around the world take effective and efficient care of their children. This includes making
treatment for autism and developmental delays accessible to parents and helping professionals simplify diagnostic and treatment processes.

The BPAUS system intensifies parental involvement in diagnosis and treatment and helps them understand if their child has any developmental disability, the moment they see something is wrong and act without delay.

System-enabled professionals have faster and more accurate diagnostics of missing developmental milestones.
In this way, the system streamlines the diagnostic and treatment processes from the family cell to the professional arena.


BPAUS has developed assessment and treatment management tools that simplify treatment from day one.

Today, BPAUS continues to develop AI models to understand how cognitive behavioral therapy influences the development of the child and determine a prediction for the treatment plan.

The company is developing a child development assessment tool, using international standards such as DSM-5 and IDC-11. This assessment tool enables the creation of a treatment plan by a simple and innovative method. Once a treatment plan is created, automatic tracking is performed to monitor treatment efficiency and plan progress.

More information


Short call

15 minutes

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Demo meeting

45 minutes

Interested in seeing BPAUS in action?

We look forward to demonstrating the system and answering the questions

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